October 2019 Minutes

HAP Meeting Minutes

Oct. 1, 2019 — Hansen Library

Attending the meeting: Katy Johansson, Kelli Samson, Pati Koong, Joy Hobbs, Claire Beagle, Britney Nielson, Jane Elm, Tani Fortune, Jason Madsack, Ming and Rochelle Wu, Cassie Murray, Emily Palguta, Olga Novikova, Heather Guz, Emily Mouat, Elizabeth Church, Sarah Mackie, Sarah Bergman, Colleen Swett, Patricia Thulin, Billy Harris

The meeting was called to order by HAP Co-Chair Katy Johansson at 7:02 p.m.

1.) Introductions

Those present introduced themselves, then everyone played an “icebreaker.”

2.) Treasurer’s Report 

Katy reported the current balance is $8,034.52.

Ideas for how to spend the money were discussed:

  • some will go toward recent 4/5 field trip to Olympic National Park

  • $300 to underwear for the nurses office (currently under consideration by HCC for a grant)
  • library
  • drain rangers/STEM program

  • supporting pay for teachers (fund)

  • Passport program; learn about different countries. $500-$1,000 for all of Hansen

  • adopt a family for the holidays 

  • Parent survey to see what families need

3.) Teacher Report

Colleen reported that they are all adjusting to the new schedule, which makes it hard for the HAP teachers to collaborate. 

4.) Upcoming Events

Collection for Holiday Grab Bags, a joint HAP/HCC fund-raiser, starts ASAP. Trying to fill and sell 1,500 bags this year. Need help soliciting businesses for donations. Jessica Starr Coco is coordinating. Contact her if you can assist.

5.) Update on traffic and transportation
Crosswalks and safety. 

  • Intercity Transit stop needed. Currently gathering data. Drafting a letter to City of Olympia and Olympia city transit. 

  • Need a poll of parents/ students who would walk/ bike if it was safer. 

6.) Science fair/ STEM fair

  • Volunteer based. 

  • Who to judge? Parents? High schoolers?

  • Regionals is March 23rd, State is the following week. 

7.) Greenbelt work? 

  • Compost is for weed control and not food scraps

  • Make strawberry beds

  • Start seeds in March

  • Materials needed. Ask Lowe’s and Home Depot?

8.) HAP Foreign Language Program

Spanish starts tomorrow (October 2nd); reach out to Jane Elm with any feedback.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m.