24-25 Start/End Times
Hansen Elementary School hours are 8:30AM - 2:45PM daily. Wednesdays our dismissal time is 1:55PM. The exception is our first day of school (9.4). We dismiss at the 2:45PM time on the first day of school. Our doors open at 8:15AM, and all students will go directly to the gym. In the gym, students will sit in lines with their class- there will be signs posted where each class sits. If you are driving your student to school, please only have your child exit the car once you are up in the turnaround area. We do not want students walking through the parking lot for safety reasons. If you walk to school, please carefully follow the directions of the crossing guard and stay on the sidewalks.
When you pick up your child, please enter the turnaround and proceed as far forward as possible. There will be multiple cones that students will stand at waiting for you. Adults will be with the students directing them to a specific cone. Please meet your student at the cone they are directed to. Thank you for working together to keep all of our Hawks safe! Please click here for important and detailed information regarding school procedures.