October 2024

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The  Hawk's Nest

Hansen Community Newsletter

October, 2024



Fall is here!

We are off to a great start at Hansen! We have a lot of new routines, procedures, and expectations, and our kids are doing a great job learning it all. I am so proud of all our Hawks!

In the morning, our doors open at 8:15am, and all students meet in the gym. If you are dropping off your student in the car drop-off area, please remember to stay in your car and ask your student to step onto the curb and head inside. We want this morning drop-off to be quick so that we have time to get all the cars through the line. If your student arrives after 8:30, they will need to ring the doorbell at the front door and come into the office to get a tardy slip.

In the afternoon, we also ask that you stay inside your car. We will make sure students make it to your car. They will meet you at the next available orange cone. If you need to get out of your car to pick up your student, please park in the parking lot and walk over to your student's pickup area. Again, we want this car pickup zone to move smoothly and quickly. 


A Note from Mrs. Jones

It's been a very fast first month of school! I am so grateful to be a part of this Hansen community- I have felt welcomed by each and every one of you!


A very important need we have at school right now is for every family in our school to fill out our Family Income Survey. We need every single family to fill this paperwork out and send it back to school. Many students will come home with this survey this week. Please fill this out and return it to your child's teacher ASAP. By having all families fill out this survey, our school receives incredibly important federal funding. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that EVERY SINGLE FAMILY fill out this paperwork. Thank you so much for attending to this very important task!

Anytime you have questions, concerns, or a desire to serve our school in a particular way, please reach out to me via email. We will set up an appointment to sit down together and talk. My email is: [email protected]

Electronics/Toys Reminders

Our school district policy at the elementary level is that all electronics be left in students' backpacks during the school day. At Hansen, we ask that all smart devices, including smart watches, be kept inside student backpacks during the instructional day. If students are worried about theft, they are welcome to store devices in the office. If students need to get in touch with a family member during the school day, we welcome them to come and use the office landline to call. Thank you for helping us remind your students to keep their electronics stowed in their backpacks while at school.


Additionally, we ask that toys and other trinkets please be left at home. When they are brought to school, it often creates distractions and disruptions in the classroom. Students can lose important items, and this causes a lot of disruption in the learning environment. Thank you for double checking your student's backpack to ensure toys are left at home.

(Sometimes we have exceptions when classrooms are having a HAWK ticket celebration with permission to bring an item from home. Your student's teacher will communicate with you about that.)

Snack Donations

Hansen is looking for snack donations. Most classrooms will have a class snack time. We are looking to provide a snack to any child who needs one during their snack time. We are specifically looking for donations of:

  • Goldfish crackers
  • Popcorn
  • Saltines or Pretzels





Conference week is here!

October 21 - 25 is conference week.

Skyward opens this week for families who have multiple children at Hansen (opens Oct 3) and for all Hansen families on Oct. 7.

When you log into Skyward, you will be able to schedule your student's conference according to the availability their teacher has set. We would like to conference with every single family at Hansen. If you are unable to use skyward to schedule your conference, please email your student's teacher and they can give you a time slot.

School is dismissed at 11:35 during conference week, Oct. 21-25.

There is no preschool during conference week.


Birthdays at School

We love celebrating our kids at school! When students have birthdays, we want to recognize them and celebrate them in a way that is inclusive and doesn't disrupt our learning environments.

Teachers are always looking to honor kids' wishes on their birthdays as well, particularly if a student does not want the class to sing or make a 'big deal' out of their special day.

At Hansen, we are looking to shift our birthday celebrations to focus on building relationships within the classroom community. This means teachers will be asking the birthday person to choose their favorite class game to play, choose a favorite song for a quick dance party, or creating a birthday book for all classmates to write an encouraging note to the birthday person. Many of our younger students also have birthday crowns their teachers give to students on their special day.

One of the big shifts with birthday celebrations at school will be eliminating the extra cupcakes, cookies, treats, food, and trinkets. Bringing in these items can be dangerous for kids with allergies, or can cause kids to feel left out when they are unable to eat the food because of a specific health need. Our policy at Hansen, moving forward, is that we ask families to please not send food or trinkets to school for students' birthdays. Teachers will continue to celebrate each student on their birthday, but we will be focusing this celebration on building deeper relationships within the classroom community. Thank you for understanding, and please feel free to reach out with any questions you have.


Parent Square

At this point, we hope you all have received email notifications to sign up for Parent Square. This is the platform that our school will use for school communications. If you do not sign up for Parent Square, you will continue to receive notifications based upon your Skyward preferences.

However, please sign up. This platform is amazing. It will allow you to keep track of all school communications and it will allow you to update your Skyward information with ease.

Here is a link to sign up for Parent Square.

Here is a link to learn more about Parent Square through the district website. 


MAP Testing!

This week is MAP testing for all 1st-5th grade students. Please ensure that your student is at school on time. It is very important that we have all students complete their MAP testing this week. Good sleep helps kids perform their best. A nightly routine that begins around 7:30/8pm can help kids settle in for a good night's sleep. Encourage your student to turn off all screens by 7pm in order to have time for some quiet building, drawing, or reading. When this is followed by time processing the day that just finished and talking about the upcoming day, it can really help kids sleep more peacefully.

MAP testing schedule:

Tuesday, Oct 1: MAP Reading 1st-5th grades

Thursday, Oct 3: MAP Math 1st-5th grades

Tuesday, Oct 8: Reading Fluency 1st/2nd grades


2 Surveys

OSD is asking for families to complete two surveys: Communications and Panorama

This one is a communications survey.

Panorama Survey in English

Panorama Survey in Espanol.

Panorama Survey in Tiếng Việt Vietnamese

Panorama Survey in العربية Arabic


Hansen Story Celebration

Hansen Community Council invites all Hansen families, staff, and community members to join our school community on Friday, October 18th from 6pm - 8pm for a night of fun reading and literacy activities!

Students who enjoy reading and have strong literacy skills are more likely to excel in all subjects, build confidence, and develop critical thinking. Studies show that early reading habits can increase academic success and foster a lifelong love of learning. At Hansen, we want to foster a positive relationship to reading. Our story celebration night will include many activities that promote reading! This event will also kick off our fall Book Fair- Join us!


Cherrydale Fundraiser

On October 14, we’re kicking off our Fall Fundraiser. This important event helps raise over 25% of the Hansen Community Council's yearly budget. The funds directly support a variety of essential programs and resources for our students, including school events, teacher stipends, scholarships for after school programs, gym equipment, and campus improvements. While participation is encouraged, it is completely optional and all students will receive an incentive prize with their packet. Every contribution makes a difference in enriching our school community and enhancing the educational experience for all students. We appreciate your support!


Financial Assistance Available

he Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:

  • Rent and utility bills
  • Clothing and shoes
  • Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
  • Transportation
  • School Supplies
  • School-related expenses
  • Internet through Xfinity
  • And so much more...

We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation. Contact Principal Jones if you have questions. [email protected]

School Day Logistics


Picture Day

Our school picture day is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 10th. Your student (if they haven't already) will bring home a picture packet for you to choose to purchase school photos. Photos will be taken throughout the school day on Oct. 10.

We are looking for a few parent visitors to help be a liaison between the photographers and the classrooms. These liaisons will let classrooms know when the photographer is ready for them and help organize kids as they arrive for photos. If you would like to help out with school picture day, please email: [email protected]


2024 Fall Book Fair

Our Fall Book Fair is here! During conference week, our library will be open for the Book Fair. When you come to your scheduled conference, please bring your student to enjoy the book fair and make fun purchases. Book fair hours will run Monday, Oct. 21st - Thursday, Oct 24th from 11:45am - 4pm. There will also be a special kick-off opening of the Book Fair at our Hansen Story Celebration night on Friday, October 18th from 6pm - 8pm.


Prearranges Absences

During the school year, we ask that trips, extended weekends, and other endeavors be scheduled during non-school hours/days as much as possible. Sometimes, however, family logistics will require that your student miss 3+ days of school. Anytime you know that you will need to pull your student out of school for an extended period (3+ days) please fill out our prearranged absence form.

Here is a link to the Planned Absence Request Form.


October 31st

At school, we do not wear Halloween costumes or have any kind of Halloween party/celebration. We work to keep the day as regular as possible for our students. Thank you for not sending any costume pieces to school with your student.



Monthly Meeting

Please join us every month for the HCC and HAP parent meetings. You will see a reminder in each month's newsletter about the meeting date and time.

  • Date: Tuesday, October 8th
  • Schedule:
  •  HCC @6PM
  • Principal's Report @6:45PM
  • HAP @7PM

Both HCC and HAP will hear the monthly principal's report at 6:45pm. Please consider joining HCC and/or HAP. This is an excellent way for all community members to be a part of the wonderful things going on at Hansen!

Visit the Hansen HCC website here or email [email protected] to find out more information.

*If you cannot attend in person, please click here for either meeting to attend virtually

HAP email list

If you’d like to receive emails from the HAP Leadership Team regarding upcoming HAP events, donation and volunteer opportunities, please sign up by filling out our Google Form. We hope you will join us for the HAP parent meeting this month where we will be voting on our HAP Handbook during the meeting. Come at 6:45 to hear the principal's report and stay for the 7pm meeting.

For questions regarding HAP or how to be a part of the HAP lottery this spring, email [email protected] anytime!

Important Upcoming Dates

October 3: Skyward opens for Conference Scheduling for families with siblings @Hansen

October 7: Skyward opens for all families to schedule conference

October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th: Wednesday Early Release. Dismissal @ 1:55pm

October 8th: HCC mtg 6pm; Principal's Report 6:45pm; HAP mtg 7pm

October 10th: School Picture Day

October 18th: Hansen Story Celebration and Book Fair Kick-Off 6pm-8pm

October 21st - 25th: Conference Week; Half days Dismissal @ 11:35pm

October 21st - 24th: Book Fair! 11:45am-4pm

October 28th: HAWK Recognition Assembly 1:55pm for nominated 3rd - 5th graders

October 29th: HAWK Recognition Assembly 1:55pm for nominated K - 2nd graders