Our School

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General Information

School Hours

Grades Pre-K-5  8:20 a.m. - 2:42 p.m.

Please do not drop students off before 8:10 a.m. Teachers and school staff are unable to supervise children in the building. If you need to make childcare arrangements, contact the YMCA. They offer before and after school childcare.

Absence/Late Arrival

The school is required to verify all absences to make sure your child is safe. Please call the attendance line at 596-7403 before 8:20 a.m. when your child is tardy or absent from school. The attendance line is available for messages any time.

After School Arrangements

For your child's protection, please notify the office by phone, prior to 2:15 p.m. or send a signed and dated note if there is any change in your child's after-school routine. Without proper notification, the Olympia School District requires Hansen staff to maintain the child's original schedule.

Drop Off & Pick Up Before & After School

Please remember:


  • Do not park and leave your vehicle in the circle for any reason. Please park designated parking spots. If you park on the roadway, please park well back from the crosswalk so our student crossing guards have clear visibility of traffic on the road.
  • Pull forward while you wait to pick up your child in the traffic circle.
  • Do not ask your child to meet you at the end of the sidewalk or in the parking lot. They will not be allowed to do so. This is for their safety.


Volunteers and Visitors

Volunteers are welcomed at Hansen and provide us with a wealth of experience, talents, and interests that benefit our children. Please sign-in and out, and wear a badge while you are on campus.

Lost and Found

Items of clothing found in the general school area (playground, gym, pods, etc.) will be placed in the Lost and Found. You may claim them in the hallway near the gym. Please check this area whenever you visit the school.



The South Sound YMCA offers a licensed child care program at Hansen School. This program offers developmentally appropriate enrichment activities for K-5 students. Child care for early dismissal and teacher in-service days is included. For further information, contact the YMCA Child Care Office at (360) 705-2642.

Health Room


  • Children with a fever of 100 degrees or more need to be kept home 24 hours after the fever goes down.
  • Children who have vomited need to stay home 24 hours.
  • Dress your child for cold, wet weather. Even if you transport them to school, they are usually expected to be out of doors at recess time.
  • Remind your child to cover their coughs and sneezes with the inside of their elbows to reduce the spread of germs.
  • Wash hands often.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 10 hours a night for school aged children. Please remember that Sunday night is a school night.


School Mascot: Hawks 

School Colors: Green and Gold


Title I Information

As a Title I school, Hansen parents have the right to know about their child's teacher and paraprofessional's certifications and credentials. View the Right to Know clause as well as what Title I means to Hansen Elementary School students.